Raiffeisenplatz 1, Fellbach

Development + Innovation

GC construction supervision Project analyses Service development

As part of SDK's campus development, a project development was carried out as an investment project on a vacant plot of land. In coordination with the client and the local authorities, additional potential building area for the entire campus was identified through a preceding project analysis and optimally utilised through redensification on Raiffeisenplatz. Thus, an office and administration building could be developed with maximum economic efficiency. The chosen building layout and space concept ensure an individually usable rental property with maximum flexibility as well as the possibility of third-party use. The building offers modularly expandable rental space from 350 sqm to 5,000 sqm.


The optimal use of the plot area, as well as the resulting floor area of the building, make this object a special challenge. Moreover, the inner-city location at a traffic junction as well as the surrounding development to which this building had to be connected.

Added value

By involving usclosely in the planning process, it was possible to optimise the space efficiency of the demanding floor plan. Through the early integration of the executing company in the planning process, it was possible to jointly develop an individual execution and contract model and to transfer the knowledge and experience from the construction work into the planning. This meant that potential improvements with an impact on costs and quality were identified at an early stage and could be taken into account in the planning. Even before the start of execution, all queries between planning and execution were finally coordinated, supplementary risks were minimised and the construction schedule was ensured.

Project data

  • Service area

    Development + Innovation, Construction + Operation

  • Solution

    Project analysis, service development, construction supervision

  • Client

    Süddeutsche Krankenversicherung a. G.

  • Project

    Raiffeisen Platz 1, Fellbach

  • Area

    1,787 sqm

  • Location


  • Project value

    approx. € 20 m.

  • Project specifics

    Escape situation and connection to existing buildings

  • Timeframe

    11/2020 to 05/2023

  • Gross floor area

    6,953 sqm

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