"Wohnen für alle", Fellbach

Development + Innovation

Procedural and competition support

Within the scope of this combined planning and investor selection process, we supported the structuring and evaluation of the offers as well as the negotiations with our technical and commercial real estate know-how. The aim of the city of Fellbach was to sell a plot of land in the Schmiden district to an investor and to ensure that the investor would meet the city's ambitious building specifications. The now completed project, entitled "Wohnen für Alle", carries the title "mixed-use neighbourhood" like no other project. In line with the city's ideas, the properties include flats for refugees as well as classic rental housing, affordable housing and condominiums.


Our main challenge was to translate the city's objectives into a catalogue of criteria that could be used to ensure the selection of the best investor concept. In addition, the submitted offers had to be checked and made plausible with regard to their amount from a project developer's point of view.

Added value

Due to our many years of experience, we were able to carry out a fair assessment of the applications received and evaluate them in order to make different concepts comparable. Furthermore, we accompanied and supported the city of Fellbach during the challenging negotiation rounds and ensured a successful sale of the property.

Project data

  • Service area

    Development + Innovation

  • Solution

    Procedural and competition support

  • Client

    City of Fellbach

  • Project

    "Wohnen für alle"

  • Focus

    Combined planning and investor selection process

  • Concept

    80 residential units and 70 parking spaces

  • Area

    4,260 sqm

  • Location


  • Timeframe

    01/2017 to 04/2017

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